Gopaldhara Clonal Black Tea | Smoky Muscatel Flavor | Autumn Flush

小売価格: $5.06 / 100グラムの紙箱
提供価格: $4.27 / 100グラムの紙箱

$0.79 を節約します

This Darjeeling smoky muscatel tea is designed for those who are fans of smoky flavors in their tea. This tea is made from AV2 bushes, one of the most flavorful cultivars of Darjeeling. It is made with hand-picked leaves collected from elevations of 5500 to 7000 ft during the autumn flush season. After a bit of rolling, the tea leaves are passed through the pine smoke chamber several times to get that smoky flavor. Since pinewood is used to smoke the tea, it imparts a little pine resin aroma and muscatel flavor.


これは燻製した 紅茶 エネルギー、熱意、そして繊細な魅力が詰まった温かいドリンクを作ります。さわやかな後味が長く続きます。このお茶はミルクと砂糖なしで楽しむのが最適です。

Smoky black tea
Gopaldhara Clonal Black Tea | Smoky Muscatel Flavor | Autumn Flush
これ Gopaldhara Clonal Black Tea | Smoky Muscatel Flavor | Autumn Flush あなただけのものになれる $4.27