Gopaldhara Peppery Black Tea | Second Flush Harvest From Rohini Tea Estate | Royal Series(RTE-92)

$6.66 / 50 gms paper box

This is a unique second flush black tea from the Rohini Tea Estate in Darjeeling, India. It is celebrated for its distinctive taste, combining musky and floral notes with a hint of pepper. Known as Peppery Black Tea, it features a robust, peppery flavor. The tea is made from Camellia Sinensis leaves that are plucked, withered, rolled, and fully fermented.

Such unique second flush black tea are found only in Gopaldhara Teas. The dry leaves are brown and black with abundant golden tips and a chilly fragrance. The oxidation process gives this black tea a dark liquor and strong flavor. It is very smooth to drink, with prominent fruity, muscatel, and mild green chilly or peppery notes. The aftertaste is pleasant with no astringency.

Darjeeling Black Tea With Peppery & Chilly Taste
Gopaldhara Peppery Black Tea | Second Flush Harvest From Rohini Tea Estate | Royal Series(RTE-92)
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This Gopaldhara Peppery Black Tea | Second Flush Harvest From Rohini Tea Estate | Royal Series(RTE-92) can be yours for only $6.66