Gopaldhara Special Autumn Teas Taster Boxes – 2023

$9.76 / 90gms combo 9 样品袋



我们推出了精选的茶 品尝盒 consisting of 6 different types of finest Darjeeling 秋季红茶 from Gopaldhara Tea Estate that varies in texture, aroma, and flavors. This is a great way to explore different types of white teas from the usual daily favorites, perhaps even find a new favorite.

这款 Taster Box 组合非常适合与朋友或家人分享。它是送给茶爱好者的*礼物。


  1. 红雷 金子 – 在 Gopaldhara 的高海拔地区,极端寒冷的天气条件在夜间可以达到 0 度,从而在茶中产生一种特殊而复杂的成熟水果风味。茶冲泡成明亮的橙色杯子,具有非常丰富的特性和圆润浓郁的果味。余味非常干净甜美,带有突出的蜂蜜味。
  2. 红雷 – 这是最好的秋冲大吉岭茶之一,由磨砂的叶子制成。这种最好的秋冲茶是用无性系灌木制成的,呈黑红色,尖端丰富。高海拔地区的极端寒冷天气条件给海洋带来了一种特殊而复杂的味道。茶被氧化得很好,但你仍然会得到突出的果味。
  3. 秋露 – This is a delightful Darjeeling autumn tea from the highest elevated garden of Darjeeling. The appearance of the tea is brownish-black leaves with few tips. It brews into a bright orange cup having excellent muscatel notes. The tea has a sweet flavor with a taste of dense ripe fruits but without any astringency. The aftertaste is well-defined, long-lasting & captivating.
  4. Darjeeling Moonshine – The texture is very citrus & herbaceous. You can easily feel the prominent fruity & umami flavour with the notes of olive & apricot.
  5. Premium Autumn Flush – The dry leaves appear to be greenish-black in color which brews into a mixed infusion and fully transparent orange liquor. It has a prominent & robust Autumnal character with a sweet Muscatel finish which makes it an excellent tea.
  6. Classic Autumn – The tea is made from the old bushes and has a greenish-black appearance. The dry leaves appear to be greenish-black in color which brews into a mixed infusion and fully transparent orange liquor. It has a prominent & robust Autumnal character with a silky smooth flavor with a sweet finish which makes it an excellent tea.
  7. 繁花秋乌龙 – It has fine blackish-green leaves which brew into a yellow cup. The tea has a little sweet flowery cup and fresh high mountain flavour with some pleasing astringency.
  8. Winter Mystic – It has a prominent honey finish with fruity notes of honey, plum, and raisins. The sweetness has a very prominent earl grey finish. Tea does not get rarer than this at Gopaldhara in autumn. The flavour is mouth full, well-rounded, and smooth without any harsh tones.
  9. 冬季红宝石 – The tea leaves are blackish-red with lots of tips that brew into a bright coppery infusion and fully transparent orange liquor. The tea has an exquisite clonal flavor with a prominent Autumnal Muscatel character.
Gopaldhara Special Autumn Teas Taster Boxes – 2023
Gopaldhara Special Autumn Teas Taster Boxes - 2023 可以只属于你 $9.76