How Labor Shortages and Plucking Intervals Affect the Quality of Your CTC Milk Tea

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$7.68 / 250 克自立袋
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Conclusion: The quality of CTC teas is deeply influenced by the plucking intervals, labor availability, and the methods used in the tea estates. As labor shortages and the shift towards machine plucking become more common, many estates are compromising on the ideal plucking cycles, leading to overgrown leaves that result in lower-quality teas. These teas often lack the robust flavor and freshness expected from a well-made CTC cup. For consumers seeking a genuine tea experience, it’s important to be aware of these factors and choose teas that are carefully crafted, without blends or fillers that dilute their quality. Always pay attention to the infused leaves; the difference between blackened, flavorless teas and those with a rich, coppery hue is the difference between a compromised and a premium tea experience.

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