Gopaldhara (RTE-31) Emperor’s Choice – First Flush 2024 – Royal Series

$9.24 / 50 克纸盒

皇帝之选 (Emperor's Choice) 是独一无二的大吉岭最好的产品 第一次冲洗 茶来自 果帕达拉茶园位于米里克 (Mirik),是该地区海拔最高的茶园之一,高达 7,000 英尺。这是一种非常毛尖的茶,由 AV2 灌木制成,是大吉岭最受欢迎的克隆。这款大吉岭最好的初冲茶具有明亮、浓郁、甜美、平衡的口感,层次分明,带有蜂蜜甜味,具有花香,并通过复杂的风味结构达到平衡。味道非常干净和精致,在某种程度上简单,但在不同意义上却很复杂。茶中没有涩味,味道浓郁,韵味十足。

The top elevation of Gopaldhara Tea Estates which stretches from 5500 to 7000 FT is planted with the best quality clone AV2. Also, the bushes are fresh as they have just come out of hibernation from the prolonged winter of almost 4 months from December to March. During the first flush, also known as spring flush, we have 100% growing shoots and get excellent buds with either a single leaf or two leaves and a bud. The flavor is prominent as the weather is also very dry and cool which ensures very slow growth. The garden workers are very careful in their plucking by hand to make sure only the best shoots with prominent buds are plucked. Darjeeling First Flush Teas are known to be slightly oxidized. This tea is also made in the same way but it is sufficiently oxidized to ensure that all the exquisite flavors are prominently present.


Gopaldhara (RTE-31) Emperor’s Choice – First Flush 2024 – Royal Series
Gopaldhara (RTE-31) Emperor’s Choice – First Flush 2024 – Royal Series 可以只属于你 $9.24